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EOL vs. Cyber Charter

The state of Pennsylvania provides learners with the opportunity to compare the virtual offerings of a home district to the cyber charter schools throughout the state. At ELANCO, we believe strongly in the education we provide through the ELANCOnline Virtual Academy and the benefits it provides over competing Cyber Charter schools. A few of the benefits of our EOL education:

  1. Personalized Support: EOL offers personalized support with teachers and staff who are familiar with the local community and can provide tailored assistance and resources. Each student will have a mentor to guide them through the virtual education and all teachers will be based within the school, offering in-person opportunities for tutoring and connection

  2. Accountability and Quality: These schools are held to the same accountability standards as traditional public schools, ensuring high-quality education aligned with state standards. Traditional School district consistently provide a high quality education in comparison to cyber charter schools

Proficiency Gap Between School Districts and Charter Schools on State Assessments
  1. Seamless Transition: Students can transition more easily between online and in-person learning, allowing for flexibility and continuity in their education. EOL also offers blended options for students to attend in-person courses that may not be offered online.

  2. Community Connection: Staying within the home district helps students maintain connections with local peers and participate in extracurricular activities and events, fostering a sense of community and belonging. EOL students can participate in all ELANCO activities, clubs, sports and other extra-curricular activities.

  3. Cost Efficiency: Home district online schools can be more cost-effective, reducing the financial burden on the district and, consequently, on taxpayers, compared to the often higher costs associated with cyber charters.

Choosing the ELANCOnline Virtual Academy supports a cohesive educational experience, leveraging local resources and ensuring consistency in academic standards. For more information, please check out PA Charter Change.